PIMA is the leading industry association representing converters of thermoset and thermoplastics & other polymer materials in Australia. PIMA seeks to foster a vibrant, efficient & innovative industry contributing to the manufacturing base of the Nation to provide future opportunities for all stakeholders. PIMA endeavors to achieve this by facilitating a common purpose for industry, academia, government and the public.
PIMA was founded in 1991 by a group of injection molders in New South Wales. From its establishment, PIMA’s principal charter was the development of training resources for those employed in the industry and to enhance their skill levels.
PIMA’s main activity still remains the development of training programs and we seek to influence training bodies such as the NSW Industry Training Advisory Board (ITAB), Department of Education & Training, TAFE and universities in the development of nationally accredited training materials.
PIMA was founded on a sense of camaraderie and cooperation between members and has evolved into a strong and effective organisation which is now making a difference in government policies that affect us. Despite its significant growth in activities, PIMA is still essentially a voluntary association.
PIMA has forged a bright future for the industry based on strong foundations. Unfortunately, many of the original founders of PIMA are no longer alive however their spirit of being a “can do” organisation still lives on.
Over the years, PIMA has forged closer ties with other plastics such as the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPEANZ). It is expected that these relationships will continue to grow over time.
Dissemination of best practice for local industry to ensure world competitiveness via technical seminars and industry forums. PIMA will engage with like associations both in Australia and internationally.
Active development of educational resources for the industry at secondary, vocational & tertiary levels for new and existing participants. A strong focus on national and international consistency and accreditation.
PIMA seeks to enhance the profile and image of the industry in general to support our members.
PIMA seeks to be the social epicenter of our industry to foster cooperation and trust between industry participants and to enjoy what we do. Social interaction of the members provides the foundation for success in other areas.
PIMA seeks to facilitate access to government assistance programs and information resources in order to stimulate the growth of the industry.